Hyun Chul YOON
Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering
Department of Molecular Science & Technology (Joint App.)
Ajou University, Rep of KOREA
E-mail : hcyoon@ajou.ac.kr
Google Scholar Citations Link
B.S.(Biological Sciences, KAIST 1994'),
M.S.(Biological Engineering, KAIST 1996'),
Ph.D.(Biological Engineering, KAIST 2000')
-Associate Editor (2019~Current), Biosensors & Bioelectronics (Elsevier)
-Editorial Board Member (2013~Current), BioChip Journal (Springer)
-Review Board (2021~Current), Samsung Research Funding Centre
-Review Board (2016~2019), National Research Foundation (of Korea Government)
-Executive Director (2014), Korea BioChip Society
-Founding Associate Editor (2007~2012), BioChip Journal
-Professor (2012~Current), Department of Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering, Ajou University
-Department Chair (2016~2017), Department of Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering, Ajou University
-Associate Professor (2007~2011), Department of Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering, Ajou University
-Assistant Professor (2003~2006), Department of Biotechnology, Ajou University
-Senior Researcher (2001~2003), BioMEMS Research Group, Electronics Telecommunications Res. Inst. (ETRI)
-Postdoctoral Researcher (2000), Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
-Biochip Journal Award, 2017 Award of Most-cited Paper (November 2017)
-Best Lecture Award, School of Engineering, Ajou University (February 2017)
-Biochip Journal Award, 2016 Award of Most-cited Paper (October 2016)
-P.I., Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology (2016~2018)
-Best Paper Award, Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies (July 2015)
-P.I., Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology (2014~2015)
-P.I., Target Laboratory of LG Electronics (2011~2012)
-Young Investigator Award, Korea BioChip Society (October 2009)